5 Main Differences Between Red Garlic and White Garlic

Although there are a large number of types of garlic around the world, only 4 types are represented in kitchens, ie white, black, purple and red garlic. Different species differ in color. However, that is not the only difference we can notice.

They also exist in smell, taste, benefits, etc. That is why people often mix red and white garlic, because their characteristics seem too similar. If you have ever wondered if there is a difference between red and white garlic.

1. Taste

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One of the biggest differences between red and white garlic is the difference in taste and sweetness. Red garlic has a very intense aroma and sharp taste. If we compare him with other species, we will realize that he is very angry. It contains high levels of quercetin, as well as anthocyanin drugs, and that gives it a red color. It is also rich in ingredients that contribute to better health.

It is a well-known and recognized natural antibiotic and antipyretic. In contrast, white garlic is much less spicy and actually has a mild taste. It is a very delicate taste with a slight sweetness and almost no bitterness. It is more popular among northerners, while garlic is more popular among southerners.

2. Appearance

The most obvious difference is in color. Red garlic has a purple-red skin and white flesh, colored red. Check this for its appearance. The fruit is medium in size, soft and delicate in taste. It can even be hung as a decoration in the kitchen. It should be regularly checked for rot or mechanical damage that spoils it.

White garlic is a herbaceous plant. The leaves are elongated, flat, narrow, leathery and end in a spike. Everyone participates in the creation of membranes with a membrane skin. The plant is long-lived with its head simple or wrapped with a dozen leaves, ovate, oblong, squeezed on the side.

First of all, it is important to know that the white garlic you buy in the store is dried white garlic, which means that it has dried in order to reduce the shell and create a barrier that will protect it from damage from moisture. – Dried white garlic will last five to six months, if stored properly. Dark spots and discoloration are bad news, as are soft, scaly cloves from the bulb.

3. Agriculture

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Another difference between these two types of garlic is in cultivation. Their cultivation is completely different because red garlic is much deeper in the soil while white garlic is planted closer to the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully water the seedlings of white garlic. Otherwise, you can easily damage the fragile roots or cause rot and death. White garlic is extracted in the phase of mass laying of the above-ground mass. It is not recommended to wait for the above-ground mass to dry completely. Since white garlic grows underground, it is not easy to estimate when the head is fully ripe for extraction.

However, the answer lies in the appearance of the leaves, ie the size of the dried and green leaves on the white garlic tree. Red garlic is removed from the soil when it begins to dry. It is stored in the warehouse, and the excess shell is peeled, and calibrated. White garlic is more resistant than red garlic to winter and frost because it has a firmer shell. It is better to plant it on old fertilized with organic fertilizer, than on fresh, unlike red garlic.

4. Supplement in the meal

Garlic is one of the healthiest vegetables that is actively used in cooking. These two varieties are actively used in cooking for many dishes and can be eaten raw or canned. For example, red garlic is mainly used for fresh salads and snacks.

Significantly improves the taste of fish and meat dishes. White garlic is popular because of its rich aroma that evaporates after exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, it is used during the cooking process or in sauces, sourdough, etc.

5. Health benefits

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Since these plants are also popular in medicine, they have long been used as bactericidal, antifungal and antioxidant agents. However, each species is used for specific health conditions. They help fight various infectious diseases. For example, if you have a problem with the inflammatory process in the ear, it is enough to finely chop the white garlic, wrap it in a cloth and apply it on the ear. You should hold this bandage until the pain stops.

On the other hand, coughing up red garlic paste mixed with a few drops of coconut oil will help. Red garlic is rich in fiber, and they are great for the intestines. In case of imprisonment, it is very useful. Controls diabetes. So, if you are diabetic, you have a good reason to eat fresh garlic regularly. The juice squeezed out of it has a miraculous effect on insect bites.

White garlic is also used to treat acne. It is applied in a thin layer and held for a few minutes. You can add some other ingredients that also reduce inflammation. Finally, rinse your face with plain water. White garlic is an indispensable medicine in the fight against women’s and men’s diseases. It also helps with migraines.

In order to effectively prevent cancer, it is necessary to consume larger amounts of this food, which can be helped by white garlic capsules or tablets. Its ingredients have been subjected to numerous studies to prove their effect on infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Ajoen, proved to be especially effective in the treatment of the fungus Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.


Garlic is one of the healthiest and most commonly used culinary cultures. in what varieties, differ from each other in shape, taste, useful properties, and even color – hundreds. They also affect the human body in different ways. For example, red garlic, with proper consumption, can lower blood sugar levels, while white garlic is an excellent ally in the fight against cholesterol. No matter what color garlic is, scientists and doctors, confirm its great benefits for the human body.